Make some extra cash this spring and summer by offering mini sessions for your clients. These beautiful templates can be customized with your images and business offering. These are perfect for sharing on Instagram, Facebook, on your blog or within your email campaigns.
We hope these will be the inspiration for offering your services to new and existing clients.
How to install Lightroom Presets click HERE.
How to install Lightroom Brushes click HERE.
How to install Photoshop Actions click HERE.
How to install Photoshop Overlays click HERE.
You may only use these products for personal or professional use. This license extends to the single, individual purchaser. This license does not extend to companies or partnerships and may not be resold, loaned, and/or gifted to another individual and/or party. You may not share, loan or redistribute/sell or copy any of these files in any way. All Presets, Actions, Overlays, and Digital Backdrops by Pretty Presets & Actions are copyright protected. Due to the downloadable nature of these products, all digital sales are final sales. There are no refunds, returns, or exchanges.